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  • This really is the dregs of the already mediocre toxicbreakfast output. We'll try not to do more of this.
  • TOX 008 Perverted By Language Redux. MP3
    All eight tracks from The Fall's classic 1983 longplayer, Perverted By Language, stretched or compressed to their average length of five minutes and fifty-two seconds and then layered on top of each other. A legendary album distilled into one concentrated bar of chaos. Is it art? It's certainly noisy!

    Total downloads: 713

    TOX 006 Fire Hydrants Of Cardiff Calendar
    Just 20 hand-numbered copies of this beautiful A5 calendar were ever made. Over 49 pictures were taken of fire hydrant posts and markers from around the Welsh capital and put through a strenuous selection process to whittle it down to the dozen pre-eminent examples of Cardiff hydrant signage. Oh, and the one on the cover. These calendars were sent to our closest family and friends in a bid to avoid Christmas shopping give them the blessing of year-round hydrant charm.

    But what if you didn't get one? Well you too can bask in the black-and-yellow beauty of these fireman's friends with our exclusive desktop wall paper, available in the standard 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 resolutions, as well as the frankly unlikely 617x1234π resolution.

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